

Primary Section: 8434091802


Senior Section: 8809169958, 7004782670

Principal's Message

St. Francis School, Deoghar, with all its contributions to the field of education and to the lives of thousands of students and well-wishers, stands tall peerless in gaiety and splendor.  Fifty-two years of dedicated service have seen generations of protégés making success in much qualified and gentle way in their lives. The story of this alma mater is the story of every individual here. Students rambling here in the campus become sagacious and set their future safe.

St. Francis School has a great reputation for academic excellence and other curricular activities. It has made a niche for itself in the great arena of education in this locality. We make efforts to enkindle the dormant talents of our students and perfect them.

Dear parents and guardians, you are the patrons of our school. You play a great role in building the lives of our students. Continue with your good job.

Dear Teachers and students you are the brand ambassadors of this institution. You are the face of the school. What you do, what you say, and what you achieve will speak about your alma mater. Continue to grow in grace.

Let your light shine is the moto of this school. Let us work tirelessly to bring to perfection this moto in our lives.

Between stimulus and response there is a space. In that space is our power to choose our response, lies our growth and our freedom.  Let us respond to the needs of this world positively with peace and harmony.